This towel is not just a golf towel, much like 18STRONG is not just a golf and fitness company.
The term “18STRONG” represents a physicality and a mindset...
An Identity, if you will, that has been adopted by our CREW and represents an irrational dedication to building a stronger game.
As the dictionary definition most perfectly describes, the word STRONG means to “be able to withstand great force or pressure.”
This towel represents a commitment to this identity.
It represents a willingness to get dirty, to get sweaty, and to put in the work that most others won’t.
But the most important thing is that this towel represents your belonging to a CREW of golfers just like you that aren’t willing to settle for mediocrity and yet aren’t afraid to have a lot of fun.
There are No Mulligans in life.
We’re here to play better longer, and have a hell of a time doing it.
Everything is better when you’re on a team, and now you are a part of this one. We are honored to have you.
Help us show the world how far and wide this CREW is growing by sending us a picture of your towel in all the cool places you go.
Be sure to tag us (@18strong) on Instagram and use the hashtag...
Or send your pics via email to support@18strong.com